DGG BSP MEMU (68706) Route, Time Table, Schedule

Number | 68706 |
Destination | BILASPUR JN (BSP) |
68706 Dgg Bsp Memu is a Memu (MEMU) which is running between Dongargarh (DGG) and Bilaspur Jn (BSP). Dgg Bsp Memu covers total journey of 208 kilometers. At 11:40 it departs from Dongargarh and at 18:15 it arrives at Bilaspur Jn. 68706 Dgg Bsp Memu has total 33 stopping station like DURG (DURG), SARONA (SZB), TILDA (TLD) etc. between both source and destination stations. Check here 68706 Running status
Last one week running status of the DGG BSP MEMU | |
3rd March | 29 Min |
1st March | 5 Min |
5th June | RT |
28th April | RT |
11th April | RT |
19th March | RT |
10th February | RT |
1st January | RT |
Current Location of the Train (3rd March) | BAKAL ( BAKL ) Check Running Status |
Train Avg. speed | 32 km/hr |
Journey Distance | 208Km. |
Train Travel Time | 6 Hr 35 Min. |
Type of Train | MEMU (MEMU) |
Train Running schedule | Daily (All Days) |
DGG BSP MEMU - 68706 Train Schedule
Stations | Arrival | Departure | Halt | Distance | Day |
Stations DONGARGARH | Arrival starts | Departure 11:40 | Halt - | Distance - | Day 1 |
Stations JATKANHAR | Arrival 11:45 | Departure 11:46 | Halt 1 m | Distance 6 km | Day 1 |
Stations MUSRA | Arrival 11:51 | Departure 11:52 | Halt 1 m | Distance 13 km | Day 1 |
Stations BAKAL | Arrival 11:59 | Departure 12:00 | Halt 1 m | Distance 21 km | Day 1 |
Stations RAJ NANDGAON | Arrival 12:09 | Departure 12:11 | Halt 2 m | Distance 31 km | Day 1 |
Stations PARMALKASA | Arrival 12:16 | Departure 12:17 | Halt 1 m | Distance 39 km | Day 1 |
Stations MURHIPAR | Arrival 12:24 | Departure 12:25 | Halt 1 m | Distance 46 km | Day 1 |
Stations RASMARA | Arrival 12:31 | Departure 12:32 | Halt 1 m | Distance 54 km | Day 1 |
Stations DURG | Arrival 13:00 | Departure 14:10 | Halt 0 m | Distance 62 km | Day 1 |
Stations BHILAINAGAR | Arrival 14:15 | Departure 14:16 | Halt 1 m | Distance 67 km | Day 1 |
Stations BHILAI PWR HS | Arrival 14:20 | Departure 14:21 | Halt 1 m | Distance 72 km | Day 1 |
Stations BHILAI | Arrival 14:25 | Departure 14:26 | Halt 1 m | Distance 76 km | Day 1 |
Stations D CABIN | Arrival 14:34 | Departure 14:35 | Halt 1 m | Distance 80 km | Day 1 |
Stations DEVBALODA CHRDA | Arrival 14:29 | Departure 14:31 | Halt 2 m | Distance 80 km | Day 1 |
Stations CABIN | Arrival 14:38 | Departure 14:39 | Halt 1 m | Distance 83 km | Day 1 |
Stations KUMHARI | Arrival 14:42 | Departure 14:43 | Halt 1 m | Distance 86 km | Day 1 |
Stations SARONA | Arrival 14:49 | Departure 14:50 | Halt 1 m | Distance 92 km | Day 1 |
Stations SARASWATINAGAR | Arrival 14:54 | Departure 14:55 | Halt 1 m | Distance 96 km | Day 1 |
Stations RAIPUR JN | Arrival 15:05 | Departure 15:10 | Halt 5 m | Distance 98 km | Day 1 |
Stations W R S COLONY PH | Arrival 15:13 | Departure 15:14 | Halt 1 m | Distance 101 km | Day 1 |
Stations URKURA | Arrival 15:20 | Departure 15:21 | Halt 1 m | Distance 103 km | Day 1 |
Stations MANDHAR | Arrival 15:26 | Departure 15:27 | Halt 1 m | Distance 110 km | Day 1 |
Stations SILIARI | Arrival 15:35 | Departure 15:36 | Halt 1 m | Distance 122 km | Day 1 |
Stations BAIKUNTH | Arrival 15:44 | Departure 15:45 | Halt 1 m | Distance 132 km | Day 1 |
Stations TILDA | Arrival 15:48 | Departure 15:50 | Halt 2 m | Distance 136 km | Day 1 |
Stations HATHBANDH | Arrival 16:03 | Departure 16:04 | Halt 1 m | Distance 147 km | Day 1 |
Stations BHATAPARA | Arrival 16:10 | Departure 16:15 | Halt 5 m | Distance 162 km | Day 1 |
Stations NIPANIA | Arrival 16:29 | Departure 16:30 | Halt 1 m | Distance 177 km | Day 1 |
Stations DAGORI | Arrival 16:39 | Departure 16:40 | Halt 1 m | Distance 186 km | Day 1 |
Stations BELHA | Arrival 16:46 | Departure 16:47 | Halt 1 m | Distance 192 km | Day 1 |
Stations CHAKARBHATHA | Arrival 16:53 | Departure 16:54 | Halt 1 m | Distance 198 km | Day 1 |
Stations DADHAPARA | Arrival 17:09 | Departure 17:10 | Halt 1 m | Distance 201 km | Day 1 |
Stations BILASPUR JN | Arrival 18:15 | Departure Ends | Halt - | Distance 208 km | Day 1 |
Frequently Asked Questions
What time DGG BSP MEMU depart from DONGARGARH Railway Station?
DGG BSP MEMU (68706) departs from DONGARGARH Railway Station at 11:40.
How much time DGG BSP MEMU take to reach BILASPUR JN Railway Station?
DGG BSP MEMU reach on day 1 to BILASPUR JN Railway Station. The arrival time of DGG BSP MEMU at BILASPUR JN Railway Station is 18:15.
Distance covered by DGG BSP MEMU?
DGG BSP MEMU covers 208 km to reach BILASPUR JN Railway Station at average speed of 32 km/hr. DGG BSP MEMU passes through 33 stations.
Related train running from same Source
Name | Number | Source | Destination | Runs on |
DGG R MEMU | 68710 | Source DONGARGARH | Destination RAIPUR JN | Runs on All Days |
DGG BSP MEMU | 68706 | Source DONGARGARH | Destination BILASPUR JN | Runs on All Days |
DGG R MEMU | 68730 | Source DONGARGARH | Destination RAIPUR JN | Runs on All Days |
DGG G MEMU | 68723 | Source DONGARGARH | Destination GONDIA JN | Runs on All Days |
Related train running from same Destination
Name | Number | Source | Destination | Runs on |
BSP NDLS RAJ EX | 12441 | Source BILASPUR JN | Destination NEW DELHI | Runs on Mon, Thu |
BSP PUNE SUP EX | 12849 | Source BILASPUR JN | Destination PUNE JN | Runs on Thu |
BSP MAS EXP | 12851 | Source BILASPUR JN | Destination CHENNAI CENTRAL | Runs on Sun |
NAGPUR INTERCIT | 12855 | Source BILASPUR JN | Destination ITWARI | Runs on All Days |
BSP TPTY EXPRESS | 17481 | Source BILASPUR JN | Destination TIRUPATI | Runs on Tue, Sat |
NARMADA EXP PSG | 18234 | Source BILASPUR JN | Destination INDORE JN BG | Runs on All Days |
BSP BPL PAS EXP | 18236 | Source BILASPUR JN | Destination BHOPAL JN | Runs on All Days |
BSP BGKT EXPRESS | 18243 | Source BILASPUR JN | Destination BHAGAT KI KOTHI | Runs on Mon, Tue |
BSP BKN EXPRESS | 18245 | Source BILASPUR JN | Destination BIKANER JN | Runs on Thu, Sat |
BSP TEN EXPRESS | 22619 | Source BILASPUR JN | Destination TIRUNELVELI | Runs on Tue |
BSP ERS S F EXP | 22815 | Source BILASPUR JN | Destination ERNAKULAM JN | Runs on Mon |
BSP PNBE EXP | 22843 | Source BILASPUR JN | Destination PATNA JN | Runs on Fri |
BSP HAPA EXPRESS | 22940 | Source BILASPUR JN | Destination HAPA | Runs on Mon |
BSP-GAD PASSENGER | 58212 | Source BILASPUR JN | Destination GEVRA ROAD | Runs on All Days |
BSP MAO AC SPL | 08297 | Source BILASPUR JN | Destination MADGAON | Runs on Sun |
BSP REWA FST PG | 58229 | Source BILASPUR JN | Destination REWA | Runs on All Days |
BSP REWA EXP | 18247 | Source BILASPUR JN | Destination REWA | Runs on All Days |
TPTY BSP SPL | 07482 | Source BILASPUR JN | Destination TIRUPATI | Runs on Tue, Sat |
BSP CHRM PASS | 58219 | Source BILASPUR JN | Destination CHIRMIRI | Runs on All Days |
BSP TATA PASS | 58114 | Source BILASPUR JN | Destination TATANAGAR JN | Runs on All Days |
BSP-TIG PASSENGER | 58214 | Source BILASPUR JN | Destination TITLAGARH | Runs on All Days |
BSP GAD MEMU | 68734 | Source BILASPUR JN | Destination GEVRA ROAD | Runs on All Days |
BSP RIG MEMU | 68738 | Source BILASPUR JN | Destination RAIGARH | Runs on All Days |
BSP R MEMU | 68719 | Source BILASPUR JN | Destination RAIPUR JN | Runs on All Days |
BSP-PND MEMU | 68740 | Source BILASPUR JN | Destination SHAHDOL | Runs on All Days |
BSP-KTE MEMU | 68747 | Source BILASPUR JN | Destination KATNI | Runs on All Days |
BSP RIG MEMU | 68736 | Source BILASPUR JN | Destination RAIGARH | Runs on All Days |
SHM JP SPL | 08261 | Source BILASPUR JN | Destination RAIPUR JN | Runs on All Days |
BSP GAD MEMU | 68732 | Source BILASPUR JN | Destination GEVRA ROAD | Runs on All Days |
BSP-R MEMU | 68727 | Source BILASPUR JN | Destination RAIPUR JN | Runs on All Days |
BSP-GAD PASSENGER | 58210 | Source BILASPUR JN | Destination GEVRA ROAD | Runs on All Days |
TBM TEN EXP | 06069 | Source BILASPUR JN | Destination TIRUNELVELI | Runs on Tue |
BSP R SPL | 08284 | Source BILASPUR JN | Destination RAIPUR JN | Runs on Sun |
BSP R SPL | 08282 | Source BILASPUR JN | Destination RAIPUR JN | Runs on Wed |
BSP NDLS SPL | 02441 | Source BILASPUR JN | Destination NEW DELHI | Runs on Mon, Thu |
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