GORAKDAM EXPRES (12556) Route, Time Table, Schedule
Number | 12556 |
Source | BHATINDA JN (BTI) |
Destination | GORAKHPUR JN (GKP) |
12556 Gorakdam Expres is a -- (--) which is running between Bhatinda Jn (BTI) and Gorakhpur Jn (GKP). Gorakdam Expres covers total journey of 1123 kilometers. At 14:00 it departs from Bhatinda Jn and at 09:45 it arrives at Gorakhpur Jn. 12556 Gorakdam Expres has total 17 stopping station like ROHTAK JN (ROK), NEW DELHI (NDLS), BARABANKI JN (BBK) etc. between both source and destination stations. Check here 12556 Running status
Last one week running status of the GORAKDAM EXPRES | |
24th March | RT |
23rd March | 7 Min |
20th March | 1 Min |
19th March | RT |
16th March | 6 Min |
13th March | 1 Hr 3 Min |
12th March | RT |
8th March | 4 Min |
Current Location of the Train (24th March) | BHATINDA JN ( BTI ) Check Running Status |
Train Avg. speed | 57 km/hr |
Journey Distance | 1123Km. |
Train Travel Time | 19 Hr 45 Min. |
Type of Train | -- (--) |
Train Running schedule | Daily (All Days) |
Return Train | |
GORAKDAM EXPRES - 12556 Train Schedule
Stations | Arrival | Departure | Halt | Distance | Day |
Stations BHATINDA JN | Arrival starts | Departure 14:00 | Halt - | Distance - | Day 2 |
Stations SIRSA | Arrival 15:35 | Departure 15:40 | Halt 5 m | Distance 76 km | Day 2 |
Stations HISAR | Arrival 16:55 | Departure 17:00 | Halt 5 m | Distance 158 km | Day 2 |
Stations BHIWANI | Arrival 17:55 | Departure 18:10 | Halt 15 m | Distance 218 km | Day 2 |
Stations ROHTAK JN | Arrival 19:23 | Departure 19:25 | Halt 2 m | Distance 267 km | Day 2 |
Stations BAHADURGARH | Arrival 19:51 | Departure 19:53 | Halt 2 m | Distance 307 km | Day 2 |
Stations NANGLOI | Arrival 20:04 | Departure 20:06 | Halt 2 m | Distance 320 km | Day 2 |
Stations SHAKURBASTI | Arrival 20:13 | Departure 20:15 | Halt 2 m | Distance 327 km | Day 2 |
Stations NEW DELHI | Arrival 21:00 | Departure 21:25 | Halt 0 m | Distance 338 km | Day 2 |
Stations KANPUR CENTRAL | Arrival 02:55 | Departure 03:05 | Halt 10 m | Distance 779 km | Day 3 |
Stations UNNAO JN | Arrival 03:36 | Departure 03:38 | Halt 2 m | Distance 796 km | Day 3 |
Stations LUCKNOW NR | Arrival 04:50 | Departure 05:00 | Halt 10 m | Distance 852 km | Day 3 |
Stations BARABANKI JN | Arrival 05:48 | Departure 05:50 | Halt 2 m | Distance 881 km | Day 3 |
Stations GONDA JN | Arrival 07:00 | Departure 07:05 | Halt 5 m | Distance 969 km | Day 3 |
Stations BASTI | Arrival 08:10 | Departure 08:13 | Halt 3 m | Distance 1059 km | Day 3 |
Stations KHALILABAD | Arrival 08:35 | Departure 08:37 | Halt 2 m | Distance 1088 km | Day 3 |
Stations GORAKHPUR JN | Arrival 09:45 | Departure Ends | Halt - | Distance 1123 km | Day 3 |
Frequently Asked Questions
What time GORAKDAM EXPRES depart from BHATINDA JN Railway Station?
GORAKDAM EXPRES (12556) departs from BHATINDA JN Railway Station at 14:00.
How much time GORAKDAM EXPRES take to reach GORAKHPUR JN Railway Station?
GORAKDAM EXPRES reach on day 3 to GORAKHPUR JN Railway Station. The arrival time of GORAKDAM EXPRES at GORAKHPUR JN Railway Station is 09:45.
Distance covered by GORAKDAM EXPRES?
GORAKDAM EXPRES covers 1123 km to reach GORAKHPUR JN Railway Station at average speed of 57 km/hr. GORAKDAM EXPRES passes through 17 stations.
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BTI BSB SPL | 04998 | Source BHATINDA JN | Destination VARANASI JN | Runs on Sat |
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BTI - UMB PASS | 54552 | Source BHATINDA JN | Destination AMBALA CANT JN | Runs on All Days |
BTI-SGNR PASS. | 54753 | Source BHATINDA JN | Destination SHRI GANGANAGAR | Runs on All Days |
BTI-FKA-DMU | 74985 | Source BHATINDA JN | Destination FAZILKA | Runs on All Days |
BTI-FKA-DMU | 74987 | Source BHATINDA JN | Destination FAZILKA | Runs on All Days |
BTI-SGNR PASS. | 54755 | Source BHATINDA JN | Destination SHRI GANGANAGAR | Runs on All Days |
BTI - FZR PASS. | 54561 | Source BHATINDA JN | Destination FIROZPUR CANT | Runs on All Days |
BTI-FKA | 54559 | Source BHATINDA JN | Destination FAZILKA | Runs on All Days |
BTI-DUI PASSENGER | 54766 | Source BHATINDA JN | Destination DHURI JN | Runs on All Days |
BTI- SOG PASSANGER | 59711 | Source BHATINDA JN | Destination SURATGARH JN | Runs on All Days |
BTI LGH PASNGER | 54701 | Source BHATINDA JN | Destination LALGARH JN | Runs on All Days |
BDTS BKN SPL | 04732 | Source BHATINDA JN | Destination DELHI | Runs on All Days |
BKN BDTS SPL | 04701 | Source BHATINDA JN | Destination LALGARH JN | Runs on All Days |
SGNR BEAS SPL | 04781 | Source BHATINDA JN | Destination REWARI | Runs on All Days |
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