IND PUNE EXPRES (22944) Route, Time Table, Schedule
Number | 22944 |
Source | INDORE JN BG (INDB) |
Destination | DAUND JN (DD) |
22944 Ind Pune Expres is a -- (--) which is running between Indore Jn Bg (INDB) and Daund Jn (DD). Ind Pune Expres covers total journey of 1048 kilometers. At 16:30 it departs from Indore Jn Bg and at 10:30 it arrives at Daund Jn. 22944 Ind Pune Expres has total 18 stopping station like RATLAM JN (RTM), VADODARA JN (BRC), KALYAN JN (KYN) etc. between both source and destination stations. Check here 22944 Running status
Last one week running status of the IND PUNE EXPRES | |
9th March | RT |
7th March | 2 Min |
25th February | RT |
21st February | RT |
20th February | 23 Min |
17th February | 6 Min |
13th February | 14 Min |
8th February | RT |
Current Location of the Train (9th March) | INDORE JN BG ( INDB ) Check Running Status |
Train Avg. speed | 59 km/hr |
Journey Distance | 1048Km. |
Train Travel Time | 18 Hr . |
Type of Train | -- (--) |
Train Running schedule | Daily (All Days) |
Return Train | |
IND PUNE EXPRES - 22944 Train Schedule
Stations | Arrival | Departure | Halt | Distance | Day |
Stations INDORE JN BG | Arrival starts | Departure 16:30 | Halt - | Distance - | Day 2 |
Stations DEWAS | Arrival 16:56 | Departure 16:58 | Halt 2 m | Distance 39 km | Day 2 |
Stations UJJAIN JN | Arrival 17:50 | Departure 17:55 | Halt 5 m | Distance 80 km | Day 2 |
Stations NAGDA JN | Arrival 18:45 | Departure 18:50 | Halt 5 m | Distance 135 km | Day 2 |
Stations RATLAM JN | Arrival 19:45 | Departure 19:50 | Halt 5 m | Distance 176 km | Day 2 |
Stations MEGHNAGAR | Arrival 20:49 | Departure 20:51 | Halt 2 m | Distance 256 km | Day 2 |
Stations DAHOD | Arrival 21:19 | Departure 21:21 | Halt 2 m | Distance 289 km | Day 2 |
Stations GODHRA JN | Arrival 22:45 | Departure 22:47 | Halt 2 m | Distance 364 km | Day 2 |
Stations VADODARA JN | Arrival 23:48 | Departure 23:58 | Halt 10 m | Distance 438 km | Day 2 |
Stations SURAT | Arrival 01:35 | Departure 01:40 | Halt 5 m | Distance 567 km | Day 3 |
Stations VASAI ROAD | Arrival 04:40 | Departure 04:45 | Halt 5 m | Distance 782 km | Day 3 |
Stations BHIWANDI ROAD | Arrival 05:18 | Departure 05:20 | Halt 2 m | Distance 809 km | Day 3 |
Stations KALYAN JN | Arrival 05:57 | Departure 06:00 | Halt 3 m | Distance 834 km | Day 3 |
Stations KARJAT | Arrival 06:53 | Departure 06:55 | Halt 2 m | Distance 880 km | Day 3 |
Stations LONAVALA | Arrival 07:42 | Departure 07:45 | Halt 3 m | Distance 908 km | Day 3 |
Stations CHINCHVAD | Arrival 08:18 | Departure 08:20 | Halt 2 m | Distance 956 km | Day 3 |
Stations PUNE JN | Arrival 08:50 | Departure 08:55 | Halt 5 m | Distance 972 km | Day 3 |
Stations DAUND JN | Arrival 10:30 | Departure Ends | Halt - | Distance 1048 km | Day 3 |
Frequently Asked Questions
What time IND PUNE EXPRES depart from INDORE JN BG Railway Station?
IND PUNE EXPRES (22944) departs from INDORE JN BG Railway Station at 16:30.
How much time IND PUNE EXPRES take to reach DAUND JN Railway Station?
IND PUNE EXPRES reach on day 3 to DAUND JN Railway Station. The arrival time of IND PUNE EXPRES at DAUND JN Railway Station is 10:30.
Distance covered by IND PUNE EXPRES?
IND PUNE EXPRES covers 1048 km to reach DAUND JN Railway Station at average speed of 59 km/hr. IND PUNE EXPRES passes through 18 stations.
Related train running from same Source
Related train running from same Destination
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PUNE INDORE EXP | 22943 | Source DAUND JN | Destination INDORE JN BG | Runs on All Days |
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MAO PANVEL SPL | 00112 | Source DAUND JN | Destination PUNE JN | Runs on Mon, Thu, Sat |
DD-PUNE DMU | 71408 | Source DAUND JN | Destination PUNE JN | Runs on All Days |
DD-PUNE DEMU | 71410 | Source DAUND JN | Destination PUNE JN | Runs on All Days |
DD-BRMT DEMU | 71405 | Source DAUND JN | Destination BARAMATI | Runs on All Days |
DD-BRMT DEMU | 71401 | Source DAUND JN | Destination BARAMATI | Runs on All Days |
JBP KURJ SF SPL | 04189 | Source DAUND JN | Destination GWALIOR | Runs on Sun |
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