JP MMCT DURONTO (12240) Route, Time Table, Schedule
Number | 12240 |
Source | HISAR (HSR) |
Destination | MUMBAI CENTRAL (MMCT) |
12240 Jp Mmct Duronto is a -- (--) which is running between Hisar (HSR) and Mumbai Central (MMCT). Jp Mmct Duronto covers total journey of 1511 kilometers. At 10:00 it departs from Hisar and at 08:20 it arrives at Mumbai Central. 12240 Jp Mmct Duronto has total 10 stopping station like LOHARU (LHU), SIKAR JN (SIKR), SAWAI MADHOPUR (SWM) etc. between both source and destination stations. Check here 12240 Running status
Last one week running status of the JP MMCT DURONTO | |
4th March | 3 Min |
18th February | 2 Min |
13th February | 1 Min |
11th February | 3 Min |
4th February | 4 Min |
28th January | 5 Min |
21st January | 4 Min |
16th January | 2 Min |
Current Location of the Train (4th March) | SURAJGARH ( SRGH ) Check Running Status |
Train Avg. speed | 68 km/hr |
Journey Distance | 1511Km. |
Train Travel Time | 22 Hr 20 Min. |
Type of Train | -- (--) |
Train Running schedule | 2 day in Week (Tue, Thu) |
Return Train | |
JP MMCT DURONTO - 12240 Train Schedule
Stations | Arrival | Departure | Halt | Distance | Day |
Stations HISAR | Arrival starts | Departure 10:00 | Halt - | Distance - | Day 2 |
Stations SADULPUR JN | Arrival 11:25 | Departure 11:40 | Halt 15 m | Distance 71 km | Day 2 |
Stations LOHARU | Arrival 12:50 | Departure 12:55 | Halt 5 m | Distance 121 km | Day 2 |
Stations JHUNJHUNUN | Arrival 13:40 | Departure 13:42 | Halt 2 m | Distance 179 km | Day 2 |
Stations SIKAR JN | Arrival 14:30 | Departure 14:35 | Halt 5 m | Distance 243 km | Day 2 |
Stations JAIPUR | Arrival 16:35 | Departure 16:50 | Halt 15 m | Distance 353 km | Day 2 |
Stations SAWAI MADHOPUR | Arrival 18:35 | Departure 18:55 | Halt 20 m | Distance 485 km | Day 2 |
Stations RATLAM JN | Arrival 23:30 | Departure 23:35 | Halt 5 m | Distance 859 km | Day 2 |
Stations VADODARA JN | Arrival 03:04 | Departure 03:14 | Halt 10 m | Distance 1120 km | Day 3 |
Stations MUMBAI CENTRAL | Arrival 08:20 | Departure Ends | Halt - | Distance 1511 km | Day 3 |
Frequently Asked Questions
What time JP MMCT DURONTO depart from HISAR Railway Station?
JP MMCT DURONTO (12240) departs from HISAR Railway Station at 10:00.
How much time JP MMCT DURONTO take to reach MUMBAI CENTRAL Railway Station?
JP MMCT DURONTO reach on day 3 to MUMBAI CENTRAL Railway Station. The arrival time of JP MMCT DURONTO at MUMBAI CENTRAL Railway Station is 08:20.
Distance covered by JP MMCT DURONTO?
JP MMCT DURONTO covers 1511 km to reach MUMBAI CENTRAL Railway Station at average speed of 68 km/hr. JP MMCT DURONTO passes through 10 stations.
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JP MMCT DURONTO | 12240 | Source HISAR | Destination MUMBAI CENTRAL | Runs on Tue, Thu |
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RE-DLI PASSENGER | 54310 | Source HISAR | Destination DELHI | Runs on All Days |
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HSR-LDH PASSENGER | 54603 | Source HISAR | Destination LUDHIANA JN | Runs on All Days |
HSR SDLP RE PASSENGER | 74846 | Source HISAR | Destination REWARI | Runs on All Days |
HISAR KOTA EXP | 19808 | Source HISAR | Destination KOTA JN | Runs on Mon, Wed, Thu, Sat |
HSR SDLP RE PASS | 74848 | Source HISAR | Destination REWARI | Runs on All Days |
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HISAR KOTA EXP | 19814 | Source HISAR | Destination KOTA JN | Runs on Tue, Fri, Sun |
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