PRERANA EXPRESS (22138) Route, Time Table, Schedule
Number | 22138 |
Destination | NAGPUR (NGP) |
22138 Prerana Express is a -- (--) which is running between Ahmedabad Jn (ADI) and Nagpur (NGP). Prerana Express covers total journey of 957 kilometers. At 18:30 it departs from Ahmedabad Jn and at 10:25 it arrives at Nagpur. 22138 Prerana Express has total 14 stopping station like VADODARA JN (BRC), NANDURBAR (NDB), MALKAPUR (MKU) etc. between both source and destination stations. Check here 22138 Running status
Last one week running status of the PRERANA EXPRESS | |
9th March | 8 Min |
6th March | 5 Min |
22nd December | 7 Min |
25th November | RT |
31st October | 3 Min |
21st October | 17 Min |
30th September | 14 Min |
12th September | 22 Min |
Current Location of the Train (9th March) | ANAND JN ( ANND ) Check Running Status |
Train Avg. speed | 61 km/hr |
Journey Distance | 957Km. |
Train Travel Time | 15 Hr 55 Min. |
Type of Train | -- (--) |
Train Running schedule | 3 days in Week (Mon, Thu, Sun) |
Return Train | |
PRERANA EXPRESS - 22138 Train Schedule
Stations | Arrival | Departure | Halt | Distance | Day |
Stations AHMEDABAD JN | Arrival starts | Departure 18:30 | Halt - | Distance - | Day 2 |
Stations NADIAD JN | Arrival 19:09 | Departure 19:11 | Halt 2 m | Distance 46 km | Day 2 |
Stations ANAND JN | Arrival 19:25 | Departure 19:27 | Halt 2 m | Distance 64 km | Day 2 |
Stations VADODARA JN | Arrival 19:59 | Departure 20:04 | Halt 5 m | Distance 100 km | Day 2 |
Stations BHARUCH JN | Arrival 20:53 | Departure 20:55 | Halt 2 m | Distance 170 km | Day 2 |
Stations SURAT | Arrival 22:25 | Departure 22:30 | Halt 5 m | Distance 229 km | Day 2 |
Stations NANDURBAR | Arrival 00:40 | Departure 00:50 | Halt 10 m | Distance 389 km | Day 3 |
Stations JALGAON JN | Arrival 03:05 | Departure 03:10 | Halt 5 m | Distance 540 km | Day 3 |
Stations BHUSAVAL JN | Arrival 03:40 | Departure 03:45 | Halt 5 m | Distance 564 km | Day 3 |
Stations MALKAPUR | Arrival 04:38 | Departure 04:40 | Halt 2 m | Distance 614 km | Day 3 |
Stations AKOLA JN | Arrival 06:00 | Departure 06:05 | Halt 5 m | Distance 704 km | Day 3 |
Stations BADNERA JN | Arrival 07:47 | Departure 07:50 | Halt 3 m | Distance 783 km | Day 3 |
Stations WARDHA JN | Arrival 08:53 | Departure 08:55 | Halt 2 m | Distance 878 km | Day 3 |
Stations NAGPUR | Arrival 10:25 | Departure Ends | Halt - | Distance 957 km | Day 3 |
Frequently Asked Questions
What time PRERANA EXPRESS depart from AHMEDABAD JN Railway Station?
PRERANA EXPRESS (22138) departs from AHMEDABAD JN Railway Station at 18:30.
How much time PRERANA EXPRESS take to reach NAGPUR Railway Station?
PRERANA EXPRESS reach on day 3 to NAGPUR Railway Station. The arrival time of PRERANA EXPRESS at NAGPUR Railway Station is 10:25.
Distance covered by PRERANA EXPRESS?
PRERANA EXPRESS covers 957 km to reach NAGPUR Railway Station at average speed of 61 km/hr. PRERANA EXPRESS passes through 14 stations.
Related train running from same Source
Related train running from same Destination
Name | Number | Source | Destination | Runs on |
TRISHATABDI EXP | 12914 | Source NAGPUR | Destination INDORE JN BG | Runs on Mon |
NAGPUR DADN EXP | 12924 | Source NAGPUR | Destination DR AMBEDKAR NGR | Runs on Wed |
NGP BSL SUP EXP | 22112 | Source NAGPUR | Destination BHUSAVAL JN | Runs on Mon, Thu, Sat |
NGP REWA SUP EXP | 22135 | Source NAGPUR | Destination REWA | Runs on Wed |
PRERANA EXPRESS | 22137 | Source NAGPUR | Destination AHMEDABAD JN | Runs on Wed, Sat, Sun |
NGP JAIPUR EXP | 11203 | Source NAGPUR | Destination JAIPUR | Runs on Thu |
NGP KOP EXPRESS | 11403 | Source NAGPUR | Destination C SHAHUMHARAJ T | Runs on Tue, Sat |
PUNE GARIBRATH | 12114 | Source NAGPUR | Destination PUNE JN | Runs on Tue, Fri, Sun |
NAGPUR PUNE EXP | 12136 | Source NAGPUR | Destination PUNE JN | Runs on Mon, Wed, Sat |
SEVAGRAM EXP | 12140 | Source NAGPUR | Destination C SHIVAJI MAH T | Runs on All Days |
NGP CSMT DURONTO | 12290 | Source NAGPUR | Destination C SHIVAJI MAH T | Runs on All Days |
NGP ASR AC EXP | 22125 | Source NAGPUR | Destination AMRITSAR JN | Runs on Sat |
REWA HBJ SF SPL | 02190 | Source NAGPUR | Destination C SHIVAJI MAH T | Runs on All Days |
AJNI CSMT SPL | 01012 | Source NAGPUR | Destination C SHIVAJI MAH T | Runs on Sun |
SWV PUNE SPL | 01418 | Source NAGPUR | Destination PUNE JN | Runs on Thu |
NGP CSMT SPECIAL | 01076 | Source NAGPUR | Destination C SHIVAJI MAH T | Runs on Tue |
NGP -WR PASSENGER | 51260 | Source NAGPUR | Destination WARDHA JN | Runs on All Days |
NGP BSL PASS | 51286 | Source NAGPUR | Destination BHUSAVAL JN | Runs on All Days |
MRJ KWV SPECIAL | 01403 | Source NAGPUR | Destination C SHAHUMHARAJ T | Runs on Tue, Sat |
NGP-ET PASS | 51829 | Source NAGPUR | Destination ITARSI JN | Runs on All Days |
NGP-RTK LOCAL | 58810 | Source NAGPUR | Destination RAMTEK | Runs on All Days |
LTT GKP SPL | 02025 | Source NAGPUR | Destination AMRITSAR JN | Runs on Sat |
NGP CSMT SUP SPL | 02036 | Source NAGPUR | Destination PUNE JN | Runs on Mon, Wed, Sat |
NGP MRJ SPECIAL | 01263 | Source NAGPUR | Destination MIRAJ JN | Runs on Sun |
NGP PVR SPECIAL | 01206 | Source NAGPUR | Destination PANDHARPUR | Runs on Wed |
PUNE HUMSAFAR | 11418 | Source NAGPUR | Destination PUNE JN | Runs on Fri |
NGP PATNA SPL | 01217 | Source NAGPUR | Destination PATNA JN | Runs on Mon |
N G P-D B R G S PL | 01215 | Source NAGPUR | Destination DIBRUGARH | Runs on Tue |
NGP DBRG SPL | 01219 | Source NAGPUR | Destination DIBRUGARH | Runs on Fri |
NGP DBRG SPL | 01233 | Source NAGPUR | Destination DIBRUGARH | Runs on Sat |
NGP-PUNE SPECIAL | 01270 | Source NAGPUR | Destination PUNE JN | Runs on Tue |
NGP LTT SPL | 01274 | Source NAGPUR | Destination LOKMANYATILAK T | Runs on Thu |
NGP PUNE SPECIAL | 01420 | Source NAGPUR | Destination PUNE JN | Runs on Sun |
NGP RAJKOT SPL | 01207 | Source NAGPUR | Destination RAJKOT JN | Runs on Mon |
PUNE SUVIDHA SPL | 82126 | Source NAGPUR | Destination PUNE JN | Runs on Wed |
PUNE SUVIDHA SPL | 81420 | Source NAGPUR | Destination PUNE JN | Runs on Sun |
NGP PUNE SPECIAL | 01288 | Source NAGPUR | Destination PUNE JN | Runs on Sun |
NGP SUR SUP SPL | 02114 | Source NAGPUR | Destination PUNE JN | Runs on Tue, Fri, Sun |
CSMT SRC SPL | 01137 | Source NAGPUR | Destination AHMEDABAD JN | Runs on Wed |
PUNE DNR SPL | 01139 | Source NAGPUR | Destination MADGAON | Runs on Wed, Sat |
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