RAIPUR SF EXP (12771) Route, Time Table, Schedule
Number | 12771 |
Destination | RAIPUR JN (R) |
12771 Raipur Sf Exp is a -- (--) which is running between Secunderabad Jn (SC) and Raipur Jn (R). Raipur Sf Exp covers total journey of 880 kilometers. At 22:40 it departs from Secunderabad Jn and at 13:45 it arrives at Raipur Jn. 12771 Raipur Sf Exp has total 15 stopping station like RAMAGUNDAM (RDM), BALHARSHAH (BPQ), SEVAGRAM (SEGM) etc. between both source and destination stations. Check here 12771 Running status
Last one week running status of the RAIPUR SF EXP | |
19th March | 4 Min |
3rd March | RT |
28th February | 42 Min |
17th February | RT |
10th February | RT |
5th February | RT |
31st January | 19 Min |
22nd January | 30 Min |
Current Location of the Train (19th March) | RASMARA ( RSM ) Check Running Status |
Train Avg. speed | 59 km/hr |
Journey Distance | 880Km. |
Train Travel Time | 15 Hr 5 Min. |
Type of Train | -- (--) |
Train Running schedule | 3 days in Week (Mon, Wed, Fri) |
Return Train | |
RAIPUR SF EXP - 12771 Train Schedule
Stations | Arrival | Departure | Halt | Distance | Day |
Stations SECUNDERABAD JN | Arrival starts | Departure 22:40 | Halt - | Distance - | Day 2 |
Stations JANGAON | Arrival 23:14 | Departure 23:15 | Halt 1 m | Distance 84 km | Day 2 |
Stations KAZIPET JN | Arrival 00:36 | Departure 00:38 | Halt 2 m | Distance 132 km | Day 3 |
Stations RAMAGUNDAM | Arrival 01:49 | Departure 01:50 | Halt 1 m | Distance 225 km | Day 3 |
Stations MANCHIRYAL | Arrival 02:04 | Departure 02:05 | Halt 1 m | Distance 239 km | Day 3 |
Stations SIRPUR KAGAZNGR | Arrival 02:59 | Departure 03:00 | Halt 1 m | Distance 297 km | Day 3 |
Stations BALHARSHAH | Arrival 04:40 | Departure 04:45 | Halt 5 m | Distance 367 km | Day 3 |
Stations CHANDRAPUR | Arrival 05:03 | Departure 05:05 | Halt 2 m | Distance 380 km | Day 3 |
Stations WARORA | Arrival 05:40 | Departure 05:41 | Halt 1 m | Distance 427 km | Day 3 |
Stations SEVAGRAM | Arrival 06:28 | Departure 06:30 | Halt 2 m | Distance 502 km | Day 3 |
Stations NAGPUR | Arrival 08:20 | Departure 08:25 | Halt 5 m | Distance 578 km | Day 3 |
Stations GONDIA JN | Arrival 09:46 | Departure 09:48 | Halt 2 m | Distance 708 km | Day 3 |
Stations RAJ NANDGAON | Arrival 11:07 | Departure 11:09 | Halt 2 m | Distance 812 km | Day 3 |
Stations DURG | Arrival 12:30 | Departure 12:35 | Halt 5 m | Distance 843 km | Day 3 |
Stations RAIPUR JN | Arrival 13:45 | Departure Ends | Halt - | Distance 880 km | Day 3 |
Frequently Asked Questions
What time RAIPUR SF EXP depart from SECUNDERABAD JN Railway Station?
RAIPUR SF EXP (12771) departs from SECUNDERABAD JN Railway Station at 22:40.
How much time RAIPUR SF EXP take to reach RAIPUR JN Railway Station?
RAIPUR SF EXP reach on day 3 to RAIPUR JN Railway Station. The arrival time of RAIPUR SF EXP at RAIPUR JN Railway Station is 13:45.
Distance covered by RAIPUR SF EXP?
RAIPUR SF EXP covers 880 km to reach RAIPUR JN Railway Station at average speed of 59 km/hr. RAIPUR SF EXP passes through 15 stations.
Related train running from same Source
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LJN GARIBRATH | 12536 | Source RAIPUR JN | Destination LUCKNOW NE | Runs on Tue, Fri |
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EMPTY RAKE TWO | 08762 | Source RAIPUR JN | Destination CABIN | Runs on All Days |
R-ITR PASSENGER | 58205 | Source RAIPUR JN | Destination ITWARI | Runs on All Days |
R-DURG MEMU | 68701 | Source RAIPUR JN | Destination DURG | Runs on All Days |
R-DURG MEMU | 68703 | Source RAIPUR JN | Destination DURG | Runs on All Days |
R DGG MEMU | 68705 | Source RAIPUR JN | Destination DONGARGARH | Runs on All Days |
R DURG MEMU | 68707 | Source RAIPUR JN | Destination DURG | Runs on All Days |
R DGG MEMU | 68709 | Source RAIPUR JN | Destination DONGARGARH | Runs on All Days |
R-JNRD PASSENGER | 58207 | Source RAIPUR JN | Destination JUNAGARH ROAD | Runs on All Days |
R-VSKP PASS | 58527 | Source RAIPUR JN | Destination VISAKHAPATNAM | Runs on All Days |
R DURG MEMU | 68717 | Source RAIPUR JN | Destination DURG | Runs on All Days |
R-BPTP DEMU | 78815 | Source RAIPUR JN | Destination | Runs on All Days |
R DURG MEMU | 68725 | Source RAIPUR JN | Destination DURG | Runs on All Days |
R-TIG PASS | 58218 | Source RAIPUR JN | Destination TITLAGARH | Runs on All Days |
R-GAD PASSENGER | 58204 | Source RAIPUR JN | Destination GEVRA ROAD | Runs on All Days |
R-GAD MEMU | 68746 | Source RAIPUR JN | Destination GEVRA ROAD | Runs on All Days |
R-KPG CMMTYY FTR SPL | 08823 | Source RAIPUR JN | Destination KOPARGAON | Runs on Wed |
R DGG MEMU | 68721 | Source RAIPUR JN | Destination DONGARGARH | Runs on All Days |
R DGG MEMU | 68729 | Source RAIPUR JN | Destination DONGARGARH | Runs on All Days |
R-BSP PASSENGER | 58202 | Source RAIPUR JN | Destination BILASPUR JN | Runs on All Days |
FBD- CPA EXP | 05306 | Source RAIPUR JN | Destination LUCKNOW NE | Runs on Tue, Fri |
HASDEO EXPRESS | 18804 | Source RAIPUR JN | Destination KORBA | Runs on Mon, Tue, Sun |
HASDEO EXP | 18802 | Source RAIPUR JN | Destination KORBA | Runs on Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat |
HASDEO EXP | 18249 | Source RAIPUR JN | Destination KORBA | Runs on Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat |
R BSP SPL | 08281 | Source RAIPUR JN | Destination BILASPUR JN | Runs on Sun |
R BSP SPL | 08283 | Source RAIPUR JN | Destination BILASPUR JN | Runs on Wed |
HASDEO EXPRESS | 18251 | Source RAIPUR JN | Destination KORBA | Runs on Mon, Tue, Sun |
RAIPUR KORBA EXP SPL | 08249 | Source RAIPUR JN | Destination KORBA | Runs on Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat |
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