This Article is From Oct 21, 2015

Bobby Jindal's Popularity Dips Below 1 Per Cent

Indians Abroad

File photo of Bobby Jindal. (Reuters)

Washington: The popularity of Indian-origin US Presidential hopeful Bobby Jindal has dipped below one per cent, according to latest opinion polls, indicating that all is not well with his campaign.

In two leading national opinion polls - CNN/ORC and NBC/Wall Street Journal - Jindal's popularity rating slipped to less than one per cent, following which many political pundits were quick to pronounce a dead end to his presidential ambition at least in the 2016 elections.

However, the 44-year-old two times Louisiana Governor said he is not giving up so early.

In fact he threated to skip the next round of Republican debate as based on national poll results he has been pushed to the second tier debate.

The Republican race is now led by Donald Trump and Ben Carson, according to the CNN/ORC poll.

Mr Trump leads the field with 27 per cent, followed by Mr Carson at 22 per cent.

But Mr Jindal argued Mr Trump is going to fade. "His numbers are already starting to fall in Iowa...," Mr Jindal argued.