This Article is From Mar 09, 2015

US Basketball Franchise Celebrates Indian-American Heritage Night

US Basketball Franchise Celebrates Indian-American Heritage Night
Emblem of the Philadelphia 76ers.

A top US-based professional basketball franchise has celebrated Indian-American Heritage Night, recognising the immense contribution of the community.

The first-of-its-kind event in Philadelphia, the fifth largest US city, was marked by a scintillating Bollywood dance performance during one of its high-profile NBA games on Saturday, organising a "Beyond Bollywood" exhibition reflecting on the community's rich contribution.

Philadelphia 76ers, an American professional basketball franchise, honoured two trailblazers in Indian-American Community - HR Shah, a successful entrepreneur, who is also CEO and chairman of TV Asia and Ajay Raju, the CEO and executive chairman of one of Philadelphia's most profitable white shoe powerhouse law firms Dilwoth Paxson.

"Today is a great day for Indian-Americans. Celebration of Indian American Heritage Night by 76ers is recognition of the contribution of Indian Americans in the past several decades in the development of the US in every sphere of," Mr Shah said.

Mr Shah, CEO and Chairman of popular TV Asia channel which is celebrating its 25th year in the US, was specially honoured by 76ers, a top professional basketball team based in Philadelphia, during a high profile game on Saturday.

As part of the festivities the Smithsonian Institute presented their exhibit on "Beyond Bollywood: Indian-Americans Shape the Nation."

The exhibition chronicles and captures over 150 years of  the Indian-American Experience.

The goal of Indian-American Heritage night was to educate, highlight and celebrate the vast diversity and success of Indian-Americans, said Ganga Mukavalli, chairman of Heritage promotions.