Congress and BJP councillors in the Jaipur Municipal Corporation have been alleged with unruly behavior before but a rather unruly method of protest against the lack of cleanliness in the city created a huge ruckus during the annual budget session of the civic body.
Congress-backed independent councillor Haji Nawab Ali threw a dustbin full of dirt on BJP councillor Roshan Saini, who is the Chairman of the health committee. After that Mr Saini chased Mr Haji, who tried to escape but ended up bumping into a table and falling down.
The other councillors then joined the fracas, which soon blew into a free-for-all fight with the BJP corporators trying to thrash Mr Haji and his Congress counterparts trying to save him.
Finally, the marshals had to come in and take control of the situation as Mayor Jyoti khandelwal watched in dismay. Her tenure as the first Congress elected mayor of Jaipur city has been marked with controversies and sights like these are common. The mayor is also often known to get into disputes with her own officials.
Congress-backed independent councillor Haji Nawab Ali threw a dustbin full of dirt on BJP councillor Roshan Saini, who is the Chairman of the health committee. After that Mr Saini chased Mr Haji, who tried to escape but ended up bumping into a table and falling down.
The other councillors then joined the fracas, which soon blew into a free-for-all fight with the BJP corporators trying to thrash Mr Haji and his Congress counterparts trying to save him.
Finally, the marshals had to come in and take control of the situation as Mayor Jyoti khandelwal watched in dismay. Her tenure as the first Congress elected mayor of Jaipur city has been marked with controversies and sights like these are common. The mayor is also often known to get into disputes with her own officials.