Customs officials recovered 491 grams of gold biscuits worth Rs 24.32 lakh from a passenger on Friday who arrived from Sharjah, said a press release on Saturday.
According to the release, the passenger had arrived by Air Arabia flight.
On examination of his checked-in baggage in the x-ray machine, dark images of some objects inside the face shaver machine (trimmer) were noticed which indicated concealment of some heavy/precious metal like gold etc. On inquiring, the Pax denied being in possession of/carrying any such items and could not provide any satisfactory explanation.
On dismantling the face shaver machine (trimmer), four solid Biscuits of fine Gold (of 99.99% purity) duly packed by black carbon plastic sheet of multilayers were found concealed and one small Gold Biscuit of fine Gold (purity of 99.99%) was found separately packed in black Carbon plastic Sheet.
The smuggled gold has been seized under the provision of the Customs Act, 1962.