This Article is From Jun 04, 2013

Security increased in Jaipur after 'suspicious' cyclists observed

Jaipur: A phone call regarding suspicious movement by two cyclists near a crowded Hanuman temple in Jaipur on Tuesday threw the police into a tizzy.

Police swung into action and extensive checking and searches were conducted in the area after a man informed the police control room that he saw a cyclist who hurriedly parked his bicycle, with a tiffin in its carrier, in the midst of a number of bikes and walked towards the temple in Chandpole.

The man suspected there might be bomb in the tiffin because this particular method was used in bomb blasts carried out near Hanuman temple in the walled city in 2008, DCP Mahendra Singh said.

According to the man, the cyclist did not enter the temple and returned. He took the cycle and moved ahead towards another temple where a man on a cycle with tiffin was waiting for him. They exchanged a few words and went from there, "After getting the information, the entire area was checked but the two cyclists could not be located," Mr Singh said.

Following the incident, security in crowded areas has been strengthened and officers have been alerted as a precautionary measure, he said.
