Candidates who have been selected for appointment to grama volunteer posts in Andhra Pradesh will receive the letters today. While the Principal Secretary Panchayati Raj and Rural Development, Gopal Krishna Dwivedi has confirmed the news, reports say Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister YS Jagan Mohan Reddy will handover the first appointment letter at Thummalapalli Kalakshetra, Vijaywada.
The reports also say that the CM will hold a video conference to address the new appointees.
AP Grama Sachivalayam recruitment result was announced on September 19. Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Jagan Mohan Reddy announced the result at Tadepalli in Guntur district. The appointment letters were initially supposed to be released on September 27.
In this recruitment, each District is the unit of appointment. District Selection Committee (DSC) is the selection authority and the District Collector is the appointing authority.
Andhra Pradesh Grama Sachivalayam has selected candidates for filling up more than 1.26 lakh vacancies in various posts such as Panchayat Secretary, VRO, MPEO, animal husbandry assistant, village fisheries, sericulture, horticulture, agriculture assistant, ANM, Electrical Assistant, Grameena Engineer, Welfare Assistant, Women Police Attendant, Digital Assistant etc.
More than 21 lakh candidates had appeared for the exam from September 1 to September 8. The result was declared within 11 days of the exam.
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