Assam Public Service Commission (APSC) has declared the result of Assam Finance Service exam which was held in January, 2019. The result, having details of candidates who have shortlisted for the interview, is available on the official website of the Commission.
The exam was notified in July, 2018.
A total of 34 posts in the cadre of Finance & Accounts Officer/ Treasury Officer will be filled through this recruitment.
APSC will announce the interview dates later.
"The selected candidates will be required to undergo a 6 months training course in the Central Training Institute, Guwahati, Assam followed by 3 months attachment period. If a candidate selected for training is a Govt. servant he shall be treated as on deputation to the Finance Deptt. on the grade pay of the post which he held prior to his selection , for training. If the candidate selected for the said training is not a Govt. servant he shall be given a monthly stipend to be determined by the Govt," the job notice reads.
The final merit list will be on the basis of the written exam and the interview.
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