Andhra Pradesh State Level Police Recruitment Board (AP SLPRB) has released the preliminary answer key for the written test conducted for recruitment of Assistant Public Prosecutors in Andhra Pradesh State Prosecution department. The written examination was conducted on November 17. The exam was conducted for two papers which were held in two separate sessions.
The Board has issued hall tickets to 2,488 candidates out of which 1979 appeared for paper I and 1941 appeared for paper II.
The Board has released the preliminary answer key for paper I as of now. The answer keys for all four Question Booklet Series are available for download on the official website.
Candidates who appeared for the exam can submit their objection, if any, on the preliminary answer key by 5:00 pm on November 20. The objections must be emailed in the prescribed format.
Candidates can send their objections to the board's email id, 'apslprb.obj@gmail.com'.
The Board will release the answer keys for the paper II soon.
Candidates who qualify in the written test will be called for an interview. Cumulative marks scored in the written test and interview will be used to prepare the final merit list.
APSLPRB had advertised 50 vacancies of Assistant Public Prosecutors in October this year. Out of the 50 vacancies 47 were for Direct Recruitment and 3 are for Limited Recruitment.
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