Bihar Police Subordinate Services Commission (BPSSC) has announced recruitment on 2,446 vacancies. The available vacancies include 2064 vacancies for Police Sub Inspector, 215 vacancies for Sergeant, 125 vacancies for Assistant Superintendent Jail (Direct Recruitment), and 42 vacancies for Assistant Superintendent Jail (Ex-serviceman).
The online application process for Bihar Police recruitment will begin on August 22. The last date to apply online for the recruitment is September 25, 2019.
For eligibility criteria including age limit, educational qualification, and physical measurements, candidates can check the detailed recruitment advertisement here.
The selection process for all the listed posts will involve a preliminary written exam, followed by a main exam which will further be followed by a Physical Efficiency Test (PET).
The preliminary examination will have one paper. There will be 100 questions carrying 2 marks each. The questions will be from topics of general knowledge and current affairs.
Candidates equal to 20 times the advertised vacancies will be called for the main examination.
The main examination will have two papers. Paper one will have 100 questions from general Hindi. The paper would be of 2 hours duration. Each question will carry two marks.
Paper two in the main exam will have questions from general studies, general science, public administration, Indian history, Indian geography, Mathematics and Mental ability. Second paper will also have 100 questions carrying 2 marks each, and the duration will be 2 hours.
There will be negative marking of 0.2 marks for each wrong answer.
Candidates equal to 6 times the advertised vacancies will be called for the Physical Efficiency Test.
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