CBSE UGC NET November 2017: Apply For OMR Sheet, Calculation Sheet
New Delhi:
Candidates who had appeared for CBSE UGC NET in November 2017 can now apply for photocopy of their OMR sheet and calculation sheet. The Board will provide the photocopies to the candidates, upon request. While applying candidates should mention their name, address and roll number correctly. The Demand Draft for the fees must also carry the details of the roll number and candidate name, clearly. Candidates can place their request for the photocopies till 9 February 2018. CBSE has released details in this regard on the official website cbsenet.nic.in.
'The candidates, who intend to obtain their photo copy of OMR sheet along with Calculation Sheet, may apply for the same along with the requisite fee of Rs. 500/- on or before 09/02/2018. The application should be sent to the Director, UGC NET, CBSE, H - 149, Sector - 63, Noida - 201309 (U.P.),' reads the official update from the Board.
Close to 7 lakh candidates had appeared for the 6th edition of the prestigious examination on 5 November 2017. Conducted under the supervision of the Chairperson, Ms Anita Karwal, Secretary, Mr. Anurag Tripathi and other senior officers of CBSE, the Board had deployed 2091 observers and scores of invigilators for the exam.
The photocopy of the OMR Sheet & Calculation Sheet will be provided to the candidate by speed post only. Those candidates who had applied under RTI 2005 may apply fresh along with the prescribed fee.
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'The candidates, who intend to obtain their photo copy of OMR sheet along with Calculation Sheet, may apply for the same along with the requisite fee of Rs. 500/- on or before 09/02/2018. The application should be sent to the Director, UGC NET, CBSE, H - 149, Sector - 63, Noida - 201309 (U.P.),' reads the official update from the Board.
Close to 7 lakh candidates had appeared for the 6th edition of the prestigious examination on 5 November 2017. Conducted under the supervision of the Chairperson, Ms Anita Karwal, Secretary, Mr. Anurag Tripathi and other senior officers of CBSE, the Board had deployed 2091 observers and scores of invigilators for the exam.
The photocopy of the OMR Sheet & Calculation Sheet will be provided to the candidate by speed post only. Those candidates who had applied under RTI 2005 may apply fresh along with the prescribed fee.
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