Chhattisgarh Professional Examination Board (CGPEB) has released the answer key for Assistant Teacher (Science) (SEAT19), and Teacher (SEDT19) Recruitment Exam which was conducted in August this year. The examination was conducted on August 25, 2019 in two sessions. The model answer for the two exams has been uploaded on the official website. Candidates can download the answer key and in case of any objection submit the same with CGPEB authority.
Candidates who appeared for the exam can download the answer key for Assistant Teacher and Teacher recruitment exam from the official website. The answer key has been released in pdf format.
Candidates can submit their objections on the answer key till 5:00 pm on September 30. The objection on the answer key can be submitted either in person, sent via post or through email.
Candidates who intend to send the objections via email should send it on ''. They must mention SEAT19 or SEDT19 in the subject line of the email. Along with the objection, they must also provide sufficient proof to justify their objection.
The objections received by CGPEB will be examined by subject-experts and after resolution of the objections received, the board will release final answer key and result for the Teacher recruitment exam.
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