The registration process for Chhattisgarh Mandi Inspector and Sub Inspector recruitment has begun. The application forms are available on the official website of the . A total of 146 vacancies will be filled through this recruitment. The last date for submission of application forms for this job is April 4.
After the registration process concludes, the CG Vyapam website will again open to allow candidates to edit their application forms. This facility will be open from April 5 to April 9.
A written exam will be held on April 29 for selection of candidates. The exam will be held at Ambikapur, Bilaspur, Durg, Jagdalpur, Raipur, Raigarh, Kanker and Dantewada. The admit cards of the exam will be released on April 19.
Graduates are eligible for this post.
The pay scale of Mandi Inspector post is Rs 28700-91300 level 7.
The pay scale of Mandi Sub Inspector post is Rs 25300-80500 level 6.
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