CTET 2019: Central Teacher Eligibility Test (CTET) July 2019 admit card was released on June 23, 2019. The CTET 2019 July exam will be conducted on July 7. CTET July 2019 will be an objective OMR-based test. It will be conducted for two papers - CTET Paper 1 is for primary teachers and CTET paper 2 is for Upper Primary teachers. Both the papers will be of two and half hours' duration.
According to an official statement from the Board, 8,17,892 candidates have registered for appearing in CTET paper 1. 4,27,897 candidates have registered for paper II. 8,38,381 candidates have registered for both the papers. The number of applicants for CTET July 2019 has decreased in comparison to the number of candidates who registered for the CTET December 2018 exam.
Candidates should download their CTET admit card and check the information mentioned on their admit card to be correct. In case if any detail on the admit card does not match the details on the confirmation page, like particulars of candidate, photograph and signature or any other information, they should immediately contact CTET Unit for necessary corrections.
Candidates who are due to appear for the CTET July 2019 exam will not be allowed inside the examination centre without their admit card.
The candidates shall report at the Examination Centre 90 minutes before the commencement of the examination. Candidate reporting at the examination centre after 9:30 AM shall not be allowed to sit in Paper-I and candidate reporting after 2:00 PM shall not be allowed to sit in Paper-II.
Candidates should not bring any of the following items with them to the examination centre as it would lead to disqualification:
a) Any stationery item like textual material (printed or written), bits of papers, Geometry/Pencil Box, Plastic Pouch, Calculator, Scale, Writing Pad, Pen drives, Eraser, Calculator, Log Table, Electronic Pen/scanner, Cardboard etc.
b) Any communication devices like Mobile phones, Bluetooth, Earphones, Microphone, Pager, Health band etc.
c) Any Watch/Wrist watch, Camera, wallet, goggles, handbags etc.
d) Any other item which could be used for unfair means and for hiding communication devices/gadgets like Camera, Bluetooth device etc.
CTET Admit Card 2019: How To Download?
Step one: Go to official CTET website: ctet.nic.in.
Step two: Click on the Admit Card link on the homepage.
Step three: Enter application number and date of birth.
Step four: Submit and download your admit card.
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