On the Central Teacher Eligibility Test (CTET), the CBSE has said that new dates will be intimated when the situation is more conducive to conduct exam. The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) was replying to questions asked by candidates on the CTET exam date on microblogging platform Twitter. The CTET was scheduled in July, but was postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
This is the 14th edition of the exam which was notified on January 24.
The next date of examination will be intimated when situation is more conducive for conduct of examinations. You may visit CTET website i.e. https://t.co/O4eqwlL8bt for related updates.
— CBSE HQ (@cbseindia29) October 9, 2020
CTET is held twice a year, in July and in December. CTET is the only recruitment test that the CBSE conducts in addition to Class 10, 12 board exams.
The notification for December edition exam is usually released in August-September.
CBSE notifies updates related to the CTET on the official website ctet.nic.in.
Meanwhile, CBSE has completed the compartment exams for Class 10 and Class 12. The compartment exam result of Class 12 students is expected to be announced by tomorrow. The results of Class 12 students will be declared earlier as delay in the result declaration would affect the admission of these students into higher education courses.
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