Vacancies have been announced in the DigiLocker, a flagship initiative of Ministry of Electronics & IT (MeitY) under Digital India Corporation. The DigiLocker has invited application from graduates to fill vacancies in lead product designer, APP product manager, front end developer, graphic designer and other posts. Application forms are available online at The last date for filling and submitting the forms is January 31.
"This engagement shall be dependent upon the project duration. The selected candidate shall strive to match the performance so as to ensure that the responsibilities are achieved within agreed time frames to the best satisfaction of the Management of National e-Governance Division (NeGD). The candidate will be required to work at alternative locations within India as required by NeGD," the DigiLocker has said in the job notice.
In addition to this, the DigiLocker also offers internship. Currently there is no announcement for internship.
So far, the DigiLocker has a total of 54.5 million registered users and has issued 4.26 billion authentic content.
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