The Aeronautical Development Establishment (ADE) Bengaluru, DRDO, has announced research fellowships as Research Associates in Material Science/ Mechanical and Junior Research Fellowships (JRF) in Electronics & Communication Engineering/ Aeronautical Engineering/ Mechanical Engineering/ Electrical & Electronics Engineering. Interview will be held on November 5 and 6.
Candidates can apply, online, for the interview from September 30. The online registration option will close on October 20.
Research Associates would receive Rs 54,000 per month. The emolument for JRF will be Rs 31,000 per month with applicable HRA and medical facilities.
B.Tech graduates are eligible to apply for the JRF only if they have valid GATE score. Candidates with M.E/ M.Tech with first division both at graduate and postgraduate level are also eligible to apply for JRF.
For the RA, candidates need to have PhD in Material Science / Mechanical Engineering with expertise in the related field. Candidates with M.E/ M.Tech in first division in Materials, Mechanical, Additive Manufacturing discipline with minimum three year post M.E/ M.Tech experience in research and design related to aircraft structures using advanced composite materials are eligible for RA as well.
The upper age limit for RA is 35 years and 28 years for JRF.
In another recruitment related update given by the DRDO, the recruitment notification for Scientist 'B' posts will be released soon. "The direct recruitment to the post of Scientist 'B' will be conducted based on valid GATE (Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering) score (in respect of vacancies in the subjects/ disciplines for which GATE is conducted) and/ or written test/ interview," reads the indicative notice released by the DRDO.
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