Himachal Pradesh administrative service preliminary exam will be held on September 12, the state public service commission, HPPSC, has informed. The Commission has already extended the registration deadline for this exam till June 22.
A total of 16 positions will be filled in home department, revenue department, co-operation department, food, civil supplies and consumer affairs department and personnel department through a preliminary exam, a main written exam and interview.
Along with this exam, the Commission has also rescheduled few other exams which were cancelled due to COVID-19 pandemic.
The state forest service main written exam 2019 for the selection of Assistant Conservator of Forest, will be held from July 19 to July 23.
The preliminary exam for the selection of range forest officer will be held on July 25.
The exams for selection of research officer and assistant research officer will be held on August 1 and 8, respectively.
"The e-Admit cards and instructions to candidates are being uploaded very shortly on Commission's website www.hppsc.hp/gov.in/hppsc and the concerned candidates will also be informed in due course of time through SMSes / email(s) on their respective Cellular Nos. and e-mail ID(s) as mentioned by them in the Online Recruitment Applications," the Commission has said.
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