Online registration for Himachal Pradesh Teacher Eligibility Test (HPTET) has begun. HP Board of School Education will conduct the exams in September 2018. Candidates can apply at Admit cards will be released 5 days before the exam. The test will be conducted for TGT (Arts), TGT (NM), TGT (Medical), Shastri, Language Teacher, JBT, Punjabi and Urdu. Candidates who wish to appear for the TET for more than one teaching category he/she shall have to submit separate online application and fee for each category.
Candidates with B.A./ B.Com. with B.Ed. or 10+2 with 4 years B.El.Ed. or 10+2 with 4 years B.A.Ed. are eligible to apply. Candidates are suggested to go through the eligibility conditions in detail for the discipline specific criteria.
There will be no negative marking in the exam and candidates shall have to score 60% minimum marks in order to qualify the exam.
Validity of the TET will be for 7 years. There is no restriction on the number of attempts and age limit for TET.
HPBOSE will announce the final result of HPTET in November/ December 2018.
The last date to apply for the exam is August 6, 2018. Candidates shall have to apply online by depositing Rs 800 as application fee (Rs 500 for SC/ ST/ OBC/ PHH).
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