Haryana Staff Selection Commission (HSSC) has made changes to the recruitment exam scheduled to begin on December 3. In a third successive notification, the first of which was released on November 14, the Commission has made changes to the Instructor recruitment exam schedule. As per changes made by the Commission, the exam would begin on December 3 and would continue till December 18. The exam will be held for selection of candidates for instructor post for Skill Development and Industrial Training Department, Haryana.
"...it is notified for information of all concerned that the Commission has re-scheduled the said online written examination (CBT) on administrative ground...," reads the notice released by Commission.
The admit cards were released on November 26.
The exam for Technical Assistant and Librarian posts will be held on December 14 and 18, respectively.
The recruitment is being held against the job advertisement number 12/ 2019. Candidates who had applied for the recruitment against the Commission's advertisement number 12/ 2019 can check the new exam dates.
The written exam will comprise 90 multiple choice questions from general awareness, reasoning, Maths, Science, Computer, English, Hindi and the relevant subject. 25% of the questions would be related to history, current affairs, literature, geography, civics, environment, culture, etc. of Haryana.
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