The Indian Air Force has released the provisional select list for November 2020- January 2021 STAR for 02/2021 intake. The list has been released for a total of 5,969 candidates in group X trade and 4,841 candidates in group Y trade. The enrolment list will be released on July 10.
IAF Provisional Select List (Group X Tech Trades)
IAF Provisional Select List (Group Y Tech, Non-Tech Trades)
Enrolment will be strictly as per the merit position subject to availability of vacancies, medical fitness, Not exceeding the upper age limit for enrolment which is 21 years as on date of enrolment except for Education Instructors, Musician trades and Serving NCs(E), and validity of provisional select list, the Indian Air Force has said.
The provisional select list is valid up to November 30, 2021.
The IAF STAR exam is held for selection of Airmen in group 'X' trades (except education instructor trade) and group 'Y' trades (except Indian Air Force (security) and musician trades). Candidates will be selected on the basis of an online test, physical fitness test, adaptibility test in two phases and medical examination.
The option to register for the Air Force Common Admission Test (AFCAT) will begin tomorrow, June 1. The application forms will be available on the official website of the Indian Air Force and candidates can fill and submit it within June 30. After the selection process is over, training will commence in the first week of July 2022 at Air Force Academy Dundigal, Hyderabad. The duration of training for flying and ground duty technical branches is 74 weeks and for ground duty non technical branches is 52 weeks.
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