For IBPS clerk 2018 exam, online registration will end today. Candidates who have not applied yet can do so today. Editing or modification of applications can also be done today. Application fee or intimation charge submission portal will also be closed today. Pre-exam training call letter will be released in November and the training will be held from November 26 till December 1. IBPS will conduct preliminary exam for clerk recruitment on 8, 9, 15 and 16 December. Since recruitment in clerical cadre in Public Sector Banks is done on State/ UT-wise basis, candidates can apply for vacancies in any one State/ UT only.
Apply for IBPS Clerk 2018 Exam
A total of 7275 vacancies have been notified by IBPS, this year, available at 19 participating banks.
SBI Clerk (Junior Associates) Main Exam Marks Released; Here's Direct Link
The application fee is Rs. 100 for SC/ST/PWD/EXSM candidates and Rs. 600 for all other candidates. Graduates in the age group of 20-28 years are eligible for the recruitment.
The provisional allotment process is expected to be completed in April 2019.
IBPS Clerk 2018: Exam Pattern Changed
On the other hand, IBPS PO prelims will be held on October 13, 14, 20 and 21. The prelims result will be released within November 2018. Admit cards are available online. The preliminary exam will shortlist candidates for the main of IBPS PO recruitment process in which candidates will be selected against 4102 vacancies. Pre-exam training is over for PO aspirants.
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