IBPS PO Main Exam Call Letter To Be Released Soon, Exam On 26 November
New Delhi:
IBPS will release the PO main exam call letter soon. The exam is scheduled to be held on 26 November 2017. Main exam is of prime importance while making the final merit list for provisional appointment. Marks obtained in the main exam only will be considered for shortlisting candidates for interview. IBPS PO prelims result was declared on 1 November, a day after the scheduled date for the same. The result which decides the candidature of the candidates for main exam is qualifying in nature. Admit card for the main exam is yet to be released. Candidates can download the same at the official website ibps.in.
IBPS PO Main Exam Pattern
The main exam will comprise of letter and essay writing, Reasoning & Computer Aptitude, General/ Economy/ Banking Awareness, English Language and Data Analysis & Interpretation. The exam will comprise of 157 questions and candidates will be allowed 3 hours 30 minutes for appearing in the examination.
After the Main examination, qualified candidates will be shortlisted for interview. The final and provisional allotment of probationary officers will be completed by April 2018.
The exam will carry a total of 225 marks and medium of question paper will be both English and Hindi.
IBPS PO Main Exam Day Rules
Candidates shall have to take the call letter, photo identity proof (along with its photocopy) to the exam hall. 'The reporting time mentioned on the call letter is prior to the Start time of the test. For the Main examination the duration of the examination is 3 hours 30 minutes, candidates may be required to be at the venue for about 4 hours or more including the time required for completion of various formalities such as verification and collection of various requisite documents, logging in, giving of instructions etc.'
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IBPS PO Main Exam Pattern
The main exam will comprise of letter and essay writing, Reasoning & Computer Aptitude, General/ Economy/ Banking Awareness, English Language and Data Analysis & Interpretation. The exam will comprise of 157 questions and candidates will be allowed 3 hours 30 minutes for appearing in the examination.
After the Main examination, qualified candidates will be shortlisted for interview. The final and provisional allotment of probationary officers will be completed by April 2018.
The exam will carry a total of 225 marks and medium of question paper will be both English and Hindi.
IBPS PO Main Exam Day Rules
Candidates shall have to take the call letter, photo identity proof (along with its photocopy) to the exam hall. 'The reporting time mentioned on the call letter is prior to the Start time of the test. For the Main examination the duration of the examination is 3 hours 30 minutes, candidates may be required to be at the venue for about 4 hours or more including the time required for completion of various formalities such as verification and collection of various requisite documents, logging in, giving of instructions etc.'
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