The preliminary exam for the IBPS PO selection will be held on October 12, 13, 19 and 20. This would be first test for selection to Probationary Officer (PO) posts in nationalized banks. The selection process includes main exam and interview as well. The Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) will conduct the exams and complete the provisional allotment within April 2020.
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IBPS PO Pre Exam Training
Pre-exam training is given by the nodal banks/ participating organisations to a limited number of candidates belonging to scheduled caste/ scheduled tribes/ minority communities. The training will be free of cost, while other expenses like travelling, boarding, lodging will be borne by the candidate.
Download Pre-Exam Training Call Letter
The pre-exam training for PO recruitment will be held from September 23 to September 28.
After the pre-exam training concludes IBPS will release the admit cards for the PO prelims exam.
A total of 4336 PO posts will be filled by the IBPS through this recruitment.
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