IBPS PO Prelims Result 2018: IBPS PO Prelims Result 2018 will be released today. As per an update on the official website, the result will be announced in late evening today. The IBPS PO prelims result will be available on the official website and candidates who appeared for the exam will need their login id and password to check the same. Candidates who qualify n the PO Prelims Exam will have to appear for IBPS PO Main examination.
The IBPS PO Prelims exam was conducted between October 13, 2018 and October 21, 2018. Candidates who qualify in the IBPS PO Main exam will then have to appear in an interview.
IBPS PO Prelims Result 2018: How to check?
Step One: Go to the official website, ibps.in
Step Two: Click on the PO prelims results link provided on the homepage
Step Three: On next page open, again, click on the results link
Step Four: On next page, login with your registration details
Step Five: Submit the details and check your results
IBPS will release the result today followed by scorecard in a few days.
IBPS will also release the cut off marks, which is the minimum marks, a candidate must have scored in order to be deemed qualified in the prelims and appear for the main examination.
IBPS PO Main examination will have two components - 155 objective questions, and two long answer type questions. The Main exam will be conducted on November 18 and the admit card for the same will be released shortly.
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