IBPS RRB 2019: Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) has released the Pre-Exam Training (PET) call letter for candidates who applied for PET during their application for IBPS RRB recruitment. The PET call letter has been released separately for Office Assistant posts and Officer Scale I posts. Candidates can download their IBPS RRB PET call letter using their registration number and password.
Pre-exam training is conducted by the Regional Rural Banks to a limited number of candidates belonging to Scheduled Caste/ Scheduled Tribes/ Minority Communities/ Ex Servicemen/ Persons With Benchmark Disabilities for the Post of Office Assistant (Multipurpose) and Scheduled Caste/ Scheduled Tribes/ Minority Communities for the Post of Officer Scale-I.
The pre-exam training for Officer Scale I will be conducted from July 21 to July 26 and the pre-exam training for Office Assistant will be conducted from July 27 to August 1, 2019.
IBPS RRB PET Call Letter: How To Download?
Step one: Go to official website: ibps.in
Step two: Click on the RRB PET call letter link.
Step three: Click on the link for Office Assistant call letter or Officer Scale I call letter as applicable.
Step four: Enter your registration number and password.
Step five: Submit and download your Pre-exam Training call letter.
IBPS RRB Pre-Exam Training Call Letter: Direct Link
RRB will conduct a preliminary examination only for the posts of Office Assistant and Officer Scale I. For Officer Scale II and III, the institute conducts a single level examination.
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