IBPS RRB preliminary exam will be held on September 12, 13, 19, 20 and 26. IBPS is expected to release the admit cards for all candidates who have registered for this exam soon. The IBPS RRB was initially scheduled to be held in August, however it was later postponed to September.
The IBPS RRB is held for selection of officers and office assistants in Regional Rural Banks (RRB). This is one of the important exams conducted by the IBPS in addition to IBPS PO, IBPS clerk and IBPS specialist officer.
Candidates who qualify the preliminary exam will be eligible to appear for the main exam which is scheduled in October.
This year, due to COVID-19 pandemic IBPS will follow new rules while conducting the exams.
In order to avoid crowding among candidates IBPS has set different reporting times. The reporting time of the candidate will be mentioned in the admit card. IBPS has made it compulsory for candidates to reach the exam centre on the reporting time.
It is expected that candidate strictly adhere to this time slot - as entry into the exam venue will be provided based upon the individual's time slot only. Candidates should report atleast 15 minutes before the reporting time indicated on the call letter, IBPS has notified.
Unlike previous exams, IBPS will not display the seating arrangement outside the exam hall. This has been done to ensure that social distancing is maintained among candidates. Seating place will be intimated to candidates at the exam centre.
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