IBPS has released the score card for RRB Officer Scale I, II and III exams. In addition to this, interview list has also been released for IBPS RRB officer scale 1 post. The score card has been released for the main exam and single exams of Officer Scale I, II and III. The score cards can be downloaded from the result portal using registration number/ roll number and password/ date of birth. While the main exam result scores will be released for Officer Scale 1, the single exam results will be available for Officer scale II and III. The results were released in October last week.
IBPS PO 2018 Prelims Over; What's Next?
Score cards for IBPS RRB Office Assistant post was released in September 2018.
What's Next?
Hereafter, the candidates will be called for interview 'co-ordinated by the Nodal Regional Rural Bank with the help of NABARD and IBPS in consultation with the appropriate authority.' Separate interview letter will be issued to the candidates having details of the centre, address of the venue, time & date of Interview. While the total marks in interview will be 100, the minimum qualifying marks will be 40% ((35% for SC / ST/ OBC/ PWD candidates). The relative weightage (ratio) of written exam and interview will be 80:20 respectively for the Officers cadre. 'Interview score of the candidates failing to secure minimum qualifying marks or otherwise barred from the interview or further process shall not be disclosed.'
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