The second day of the IBPS RRB officer exam has concluded. The said exam is the preliminary exam for Officer scale 1 selection and will be held on August 11 as well. The exam for Office Assistant post will be held on August 17, 18 and 25. Through the IBPS RRB recruitment vacancies will be filled up for Officer scale 1, 2 and 3 and office assistant (multipurpose) posts. IBPS will select candidates for the posts on the basis of written exam and interview.
The IBPS RRB Officer prelims comprises questions from reasoning and quantitative aptitude. The exam carries a total of 80 marks. Candidates are allowed to take the exam in 45 minutes.
Candidates have to qualify in both the tests by securing minimum cut-off marks, which clearly implies there is sectional cut off in the IBPS RRB Officer prelims.
There will be penalty for wrong answers marked. For each question for which a wrong answer has been given by the candidate one fourth of the marks assigned to that question will be deducted as penalty to arrive at corrected score. For questions left unanswered no marks will be awarded to the candidates.
For Officer scale 1 post, the marks obtained in the prelims exam will be used to shortlist candidates for the main exam. The marks obtained in the prelims exam will not be considered for the final result.
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