Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) will conclude Specialist Officer (SO) recruitment application today. This year IBPS has announced 1,163 SO vacancies in participating banks. IBPS SO 2019 recruitment is for 6 different posts which include I.T. Officer, Agricultural Field Officer, Rajbhasha Adhikari, Law Officer, HR/Personnel Officer, and Marketing Officer posts. The eligibility requirement varies according to the post.
Candidates can check the eligibility criteria from the official recruitment advertisement. Those who fulfill the eligibility criteria can apply for the recruitment form the official IBPS website, 'ibps.in'.
The application fee is Rs. 100 for SC, ST, and PWBD candidates and Rs. 600 for all other candidates.
After completion of the application process, candidates will be able to take a print out of their application forms till December 11, 2019.
The online preliminary exam for selection of candidates will be held on December 28 and December 29, 2019. The admit cards for the IBPS SO prelim exam will be released in December. The main exam for qualified candidates will be held on January 25, 2020.
The prelim exam will be of 2 hours duration and the test will have three sections. There will be 150 questions carrying total 125 marks. The pattern, however, for the preliminary exam will be different for different posts.
The Prelim exam for Law officer and Rajbhasha Adhikari will have the following tests - English Language, Reasoning, and General Awareness with Special Reference to Banking Industry.
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