IBPS SO Prelim result can be downloaded from the official website. Candidates who appeared for the IBPS SO prelim exam will need their registration id and password to login and check their result. The Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) organizes the recruitment process for Specialist Officers in participating public-sector banks.
IBPS SO Prelim Result 2019: How To Check?
Step One: Go to official website, 'ibps.in'.
Step two: Click on the SO prelim result link.
Step three: Enter your registration id and password correctly.
Step four: Submit and view your result.
Candidates who qualify in the preliminary exam will appear for the IBPS SO main examination.
The IBPS SO Main exam will tentatively be held on January 25, 2020. The Main examination will test a candidate's professional knowledge in their respective fields. The last stage in the selection process is Personal Interview.
IBPS had announced total 1,163 vacancies available with participating banks. IBPS SO recruitment process is conducted for 6 different posts which include I.T. Officer, Agricultural Field Officer, Rajbhasha Adhikari, Law Officer, HR/Personnel Officer, and Marketing Officer posts.
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