The banking personnel selection body, IBPS, would conduct preliminary exam for Specialist Officer (SO) selection on December 28 and December 29. The exam would be the first selection exam and the screening test for selection to main exam which is scheduled to be held on January 25. Admit cards for the IBPS SO prelims can be expected soon. Candidates who have registered for the exam can download the same from the official website of IBPS at ibps.in.
This is the 9th edition of Specialist Officer recruitment to be conducted by the IBPS. Apart from this, IBPS also has the onus of conducting exams for probationary officer (PO) and clerk posts in nationalized banks.
This year IBPS has announced to fill 1,163 SO vacancies, which is one of the lowest in 4 years. In 2016, IBPS SO recruitment was held for filling up 4,122 vacancies-the highest in 4 years and one of the highest so far.
The preliminary exam would have questions from English language, reasoning and General Awareness with Special Reference to Banking Industry (for Law Officer and Rajbhasha Adhikari posts) and Quantitative Aptitude (for other posts).
Candidates who qualify the preliminary exam would be eligible to take the main exam. "Each candidate will be required to obtain a minimum score in the test of online main examination and also secure sufficiently high scores to be considered to be shortlisted for interview. Depending on the number of vacancies available, cut-offs will be decided and candidates will be shortlisted for interview," reads the notice released by IBPS.
The total marks allotted for interview are 100. The minimum qualifying marks in interview is 40%.
IBPS SO notice was released on November 5.
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