Indian Oil Corporation Limited (IOCL) will soon notify recruitment of Officers/ Engineers through GATE 2020 exam. IOCL has released an indicative advertisement in this regard on its official recruitment portal. IOCL will recruit engineers from Chemical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, and Electrical Engineering disciplines. The number of vacancies available will be notified later.
Candidates who apply for the recruitment will be shortlisted for Group discussion, and Personal Interview on the basis of GATE 2020 score in respective engineering discipline. GATE score from 2019 or any previous examination will not be valid for this recruitment.
Interested applicants should note that applying for GATE 2020 does not automatically mean applying for IOCL recruitment and they will have to apply separately for IOCL recruitment process. The IOCL application module will be released after GATE 2020 admit cards are released on January 3, 2020.
Meanwhile, GATE 2020 application process is coming to a close. The last date to apply for the examination without any late fine has been extended till September 28. Candidates who fail to apply by the last date will still have time to apply till October 1, 2019 with late fine.
GATE 2020 exam will be conducted on February 1, 2, 8, and 9, 2020. The exam will be held for 25 subjects.
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