Kerala Public Service Commission (KPSC) has notified that the common preliminary test (SSLC level) will be held on July 3 for all those candidates who had missed the exam in February-March, 2021. The admit card of the exam will be available on June 21.
The detailed syllabus of the exam is available on the website of the Commission. The exam will be held in OMR sheets and the duration will be 1 hour and 15 minutes. The medium of the question paper will be Malayalam, Tamil and Kannada. The exam will carry a total of 100 marks.
"This examination will be held only for those candidates who were not able to appear in the preliminary examinations held on 20.02.2021, 25.02.2021, 06.03.2021 and 13.03.2021 due to genuine reasons that had been identified and accepted by the Hon'ble Commission and had submitted application with sufficient reason with in the stipulated time," the KPSC has said.
After the exam, the KPSC will release the answer keys of the exam. "After each examination except Written Test and Transcription Test KPSC will publish provisional answer key in its official website and candidates having any complaint regarding the provisional answer key can submit their complaints through their profile only within 5 days from the date of publication of provisional answer key in the official website of KPSC," it has said.
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