Kerala Public Service Commission (KPSC) will conduct the State Administrative Service Exam through online mode. As per a report carried by the Hindu, KPSC Chairman M.K. Sakeer has said that the IT labs in technical institutions such as polytechnic colleges, ITIs and engineering colleges will be used to conduct PSC examinations. The Chairman inaugurated the e-office in Kozhikode, yesterday. In addition to the administrative service exam, the Commission also plans to conduct online exams for other PSC tests. 'As of now, we have the facility for only 3,600 people to attend an examination online. With the IT labs added to the facility, we can cater to at least 40,000 candidates at the same time,' the daily quoted the Chairman saying.
Regarding the Kerala Administrative Service Exam he said that the detailed notification will be rolled out soon.
KPSC's Official Facebook Page
In January 2018, the Commission had launched its official Facebook page. The page was formally launched by PSC Chairman M.K. Sakeer in the presence of other members of the commission and the Examination Controller. The Facebook page is aimed to reach more candidates and keep them updated about the latest updates and recruitments being conducted by the PSC. With 1,14,896 followers, the six month old page also posts information about jobs and results notified by the Commission.