Life Insurance Corporation or LIC, the largest insurer in the country, will conduct the preliminary examination for its Assistant recruitment on October 30 and 31. Ahead of that, the Corporation's Career wing released the LIC Assistant admit card for download on the official website (licindia.in). To download LIC Assistant admit card for the preliminary exam, applicants would need their registration number or roll number, and password or date of birth. The last date to download the LIC assistant preliminary exam admit card is October 31, 2019.
Apart from the admit card, LIC has also released important exam day instructions which candidates must follow in order to have an easy experience while appearing for the exam.
LIC Assistant exam 2019: Important instructions
Details on the date, time and venue address of the examination are given on admit card.
Late comers will not be allowed entry into the exam hall.
Candidates should bring the LIC Assistant admit card to the examination venue along with their recent passport size photograph duly pasted on it. (Preferably the same photograph as was as uploaded).
No use of calculators (separate or with watch), books, note books or written notes, cell phones (with or without camera facility), or any other electronic device will be allowed during the examination.
Candidates should bring the admit card with their photograph affixed thereon, currently valid Photo identity proof in original and a photocopy of the same ID proof which you bring in original
Currently valid photo identity proof may be PAN Card/Passport/Permanent Driving Licence/Voter's Card/Bank Passbook with photograph/Photo Identity proof issued by a Gazetted Officer on official letterhead alongwith photograph/Valid recent Identity Card issued by a recognized College/University/Aadhaar Card/E-Aadhaar Card with a photograph/Employee ID/Bar Council Identity card with photograph. Please
Candidates should bring a ball-point pen.
LIC Assistant exam 2019: Test pattern
The preliminary exam will be held online. The exam would comprise questions related to English/ Hindi language, numerical ability and reasoning ability. The exam would have 100 questions in total and candidates would be allowed 1 hour to attempt the test. There will be separate timing for each section.
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