Some 26.6 per cent government posts in the Group A-D categories are lying vacant in Maharashtra, the 2018-19 economic survey tabled in the state Legislature Monday informed. As on July 1, 2018, sanctioned government service posts in group A, B, C and D were 7.17 lakh and the number of these vacant stood at 1.91 lakh, or 26.6 per cent, the survey stated.
The government had announced a mega recruitment drive to fill 72,000 vacant posts, but the drive is yet to start despite the government providing 16 per cent quota for the Maratha community in jobs and education.
As per the Employment Market Information (EMI), total employment in the state during 2018 was 73.50 lakh, of which 27.7 per cent were women, and 22.83 lakh (31.1 per cent) was in the public sector.
In 2018-19, a total of 17.84 lakh households got employment under the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee scheme (MNREGA), it said, adding that as many as 2,94,460 works were completed.
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