Madhya Pradesh Public Service Commission (MPPSC) has released the list of candidates whose application for the Madhya Pradesh State Eligibility Test (SET) 2018 has been rejected by the commission. The disqualified candidates will not be issued an admit card for the SET exam which will be conducted for 11 subjects from January 17 to January 24, 2019. The admit cards for the candidates whose applications have been accepted by the commission will be released on January 12, 2019.
The Commission has rejected applications where the candidate does not fulfill the necessary eligibility criteria or the candidate does not have the required percentage in their post-graduation degree or the candidate has already qualified the National Eligibility Test (NET) or the candidate has provided caste certificate issued in a different state or other reasons liable for rejection of application.
The Commission, however, will allow the disqualified candidates to submit their position on the ground for rejection of their application. They can submit their response and necessary documents supporting their claim to candidature by logging into their candidate profile through the Commission's official website. Candidates whose application has been rejected will have time till January 10, 2019 to present necessary proof to claim their candidature.
The Commission will release their final decision on the application of candidates who submit their response on January 12, 2019.
Candidates can also contact the Commission helpline on 8435839544 between office hours.
The Commission was supposed to release the exam city detail for candidates today, however there has been no update from MPPSC in this regard.
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