Madhya Pradesh Professional Examination Board (MPPEB) has extended the last date to apply for the Middle School Teacher Eligibility Test 2018. Earlier the last date to apply for the test was September 25, however, the deadline has been extended. Now candidates have time till October 5 to register for the exam. The date to submit application fee has also been extended to October 6, 2018.
The application process is being conducted online. Candidates can follow the steps given below to complete their application process:
Step one: Go to official MP PEB website:
Step two: From among the latest updates click on Middle School Teacher Eligibility Test link.
Step three: In the next page, click on the green icon given before application form.
Step four: Accept declaration and move forward with your application.
Step five: If you have not registered yet, then click on profile registration on the verification page. If you have already registered then provide your registration number and date of birth and complete the application process.
Application process will not be complete until you submit the application fee by the given deadline.
The application fee for general category candidates is Rs. 500 for each question paper and for reserved category candidates from Madhya Pradesh is Rs. 250 for each question paper.
For online application, those who apply through the Kiosk candidate will also have to pay portal fee of Rs. 70. Those who apply by logging into Registered Citizen User will have to pay portal fee of Rs. 40.
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