Maharashtra public Service Commission (MPSC) has released the notification for Forest Services Main Examination 2019. Candidates who qualified in the preliminary examination can apply for the Main examination through the Commission's official website. The last date to submit application for Maharashtra Forest Services Main examination is August 19, 2019.
Before beginning the application for MPSC Forest Services Main examination, a candidate should keep the following documents at hand:
- Valid mobile number
- Valid Email ID
- Scanned copy of photograph in JPEG/JPG format Max size 50kb (Dimensions: breadth 3.5 cms * height 4.5 cms)
- Scanned copy of signature in JPEG/JPG format Max size 50kb (Dimensions: breadth 3.5 cms * height 1.5 cms)
The MPSC Forest Services Main examination is scheduled in September 2019. After the preliminary examination, 2,106 candidates have qualified for the Main examination.
MPSC had notified 100 vacancies for Assistant Forest Conservator and Forest Ranger. The recruitment notice was released in March 2019. The Preliminary examination was conducted on May 26, 2019 and the result for the same was released on August 3, 2019.
MPSC recently also released the final answer key for the Engineering Services exam and is expected to release the result soon.
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