Indian Railways has decided to reconsider the applications of 70,000 candidates which were rejected for uploading faulty photographs. The railways has opened an online portal for the candidates to rectify their application form. The portal will close on July 20, 2018. As of now a total of 7,000 applications have been rejected because of earlier records of cheating or malpractices. A total of 2.27 crore applications were submitted against 1.10 lakh vacancies notified by the Indian Railways. The said, rectification process is being done for the posts of Assistant Loco Pilot and Technician notified under CEN 01/ 2018 advertisement.
Indian Railways' Online Job Drive 'Saves 7.5 Crore Paper Sheets'
'We realised that among the total applications that were found ineligible, around 1.27 lakh candidates were found ineligible for invalid pictures. We decided to look at those applications again and give them a second chance. Out of the 1.27 lakh people, now, 70,000 have been asked to make the changes in the pictures and upload them again,' said Rajesh Dutt Bajpai, Director Information and Publicity, Railway Board to the news agency PTI.
Indian Railways will conduct the first phase examination for selection to various posts notified under CEN 02/ 2018 and Railway Protection Force in September-November, this year. The exams were supposed to be held in May-June, however, huge number of applications delayed the scrutiny process.
The Indian Railways will fill up over one lakh vacant posts by March-April next year.
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