The Rajasthan Cooperative Recruitment Board exam will be held in July. Through this exam a total of 385 positions in clerk, junior assistant, salesman, godown keeper, store keeper, typist, and cashier posts in in Sahkari Upbhokta Wholesale Bhandars (SUWB) and Kraya Vikraya Sahkari Samities (KVSS)will be filled.
The recruitment was announced in March, 2021.
Admit cards of the candidates will be released soon. "The eligible candidate should download his/her call letter from the link provided on the authorized Board website by entering his/ her details i.e. Registration Number and Password/Date of Birth. Candidate should note that hard copy of the call letter/ Information Handout etc. will NOT be sent by post/courier," the Board has said.
The examination will be conducted online in venues across different centers in Rajasthan.
The exam would have questions from numerical ability, general knowledge of Rajasthan, and questions on Rajasthan Cooperative Societies Act 2001, Rajasthan Cooperative Societies Rules, 2003 and Cooperative Structure of Rajasthan.
"Successful candidates will be recommended for selection on the basis of their merit as well as the preferences given by them for SUWB/KVSS of a particular district as merit shall be prepared on district level," the Board has added.
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