Candidates who appeared for the RAS 2018 main exam in June 2019 have started a trend on microblogging platform, Twitter, with #We_Want_RAS2018_Result, demanding declaration of the RPSC RAS result. The recruitment was notified in 2018 and the result of the preliminary exam, which is a screening test for the main exam, was declared in December 2018.
Rajasthan Administrative Service (RAS) exam is also known was the Rajasthan State and Subordinate Services exam. The recruitment was notified in 2018, last.
Rajasthan Public Service Commission (RPSC), the exam conducting body for state government jobs, has not given any update on the ongoing exam or on the upcoming RAS recruitment.
A total of 1,017 vacancies will be filled through the RPSC RAS 2018, the result of which is pending.
The main exam was held on June 25 and 26 after being postponed three times. The first time it was scheduled to be held in December 2018. It was then postponed to January 2019, twice.
Over 15,000 candidates were shortlisted for the main exam on the basis of their performance in the preliminary exam.
Amidst lockdown hurdle also other states are coming up with their state service commission calendar and results. Why RPSC fails to do so? #We_want_RAS2018_Result #We_want_RAS2018_Result @RPSC1 @ashokgehlot51 @SachinPilot @GovindDotasra @zeerajasthan_
— Rashmi S. Kashyap (@rashmisolanki) May 12, 2020
After 2018, RPSC RAS recruitment has not been notified.
Unlike, Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) and the Staff Selection Commission (SSC), state public service commissions do not have an exam calendar that candidates can refer to.
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