Results have been announced for RBI Grade 'B' Officer exam held on November 9. The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has released the list of candidates shortlisted for the second phase exam which would be held on December 1 and December 2. The individual mark sheet and category wise cut off for Grade 'B' Officer (General) post, only, will be displayed in interactive manner on the website within fifteen working days.
"This examination will be in two shifts. Candidates are required to appear in both the shifts. separate admission letters should be downloaded for morning and afternoon shifts from RBI website," reads the notice released by RBI.
RBI would fill up 199 vacancies, through direct recruitment process, in combined seniority group streams in Department of Economic and Policy Research (DEPR) & Department of Statistics and Information Management (DSIM).
The first phase exam was objective type based, while the second phase exam would be a descriptive one and would also have a paper on English language. The standard and difficulty level of the question paper would be that of Master's Degree examination of any central university.
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