Answer sheets for the Sub-Inspector (SI) and Constable exams have been released by the Railway Protection Force (RPF). Candidates can download the answer sheets using their roll number, date of birth details, date of exam and exam batch. As of now, the SI exam is over. Computer based test for the constable recruitment will be held till February 19. For the Constable exam, RPF will begin the fourth phase of CBT on January 17 for Group A, B and F posts for which admit cards have been released. The fifth phase of CBT for group C and D will begin on February 2.
RPF Constable Exam Answer Sheet
RPF Sub-Inspector Exam Answer Sheet
On the other hand, for the group D exam conducted by the railway recruitment boards (RRB) answer key challenge process will begin today. RRBs will open the objection window 5 pm onwards. Candidates can challenge the answer key submitting relevant documents in support. Railways will levy Rs. 50 per question per challenge submitted by the candidate. The fee has to be remitted through online payment mode. In case the objection raised is found to be correct, the fee paid against such valid objections shall be refunded to the candidate.
After the completion of the objection period, representations from the candidates on the questions or options will not be entertained, said the notice on RRB Group D answer key.
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